Calling all our networkers and supporters interested in digital privacy!
It is undeniable that we spend more and more time online and the cases of human rights defenders being attacked or bullied online have increased. To answer this, with support from the European Youth Foundation, we are organizing a series of online workshops on digital privacy and safety, which aim to increase the capacity of human rights activists and likeminded organizations.
Would you like to learn how to protect your privacy online? Would you like a manual that you can refer to, and tips and tricks for the future? You should register for our workshop!
The 3-day programme offers a great opportunity to get concrete inputs about online privacy and safety, to exchange information and experience, and to work together and create a network with activists from across Europe. Each training day will start at 9:00 and end before 16:00 (CET).
Who can apply?
There are two basic criteria for selection:
- To be a resident of one of the member states of the Council of Europe
- To have experience in online human rights activism and a strong interest in online privacy and safety
You can check out the draft programme and join our event on Facebook.