

From hookup culture to Cancel Culture, college campuses are ground zero for the culture of death.

On paper, pro-life university students shouldn't stand a chance. But young adults today are more pro-life than ever.

One of these pro-life young adults is Jenica Thornby.

As a high school sophomore, Jenica spent her lunch hour every day studying in the Columbine High School library.

But on April 20, 1999, a strong, irresistible urge to leave the building led her and a friend to grab lunch at a local restaurant instead.

Minutes later, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire on their classmates, killing 12 students and a teacher--most of them in that same library--while wounding 24 others.

In the aftermath of the massacre, Jenica struggled with hopelessness...but an encounter with Jesus Christ led her to become a Christian--and then a Catholic religious sister.


Having survived the senseless violence at Columbine, Sister Mary Gianna now prays weekly at her local 40 Days for Life vigil to end the senseless violence of abortion. She has sidewalk counseled at the Planned Parenthood in Washington, D.C. and addressed 40 Days for Life volunteers in Dayton, Ohio.

Sister Mary Gianna plans to further contribute to promoting respect for life in the medical field as she pursues her nursing degree.

She'll have help completing her education as she was recently named the winner of 40 Days for Life's 4040 Scholarship.

To apply for the next $4,040 4040 Scholarship, visit:

For the rest of Sister Mary Gianna's powerful story, visit and sign up for your free subscription to Day 41 magazine.


Glendale, Arizona

Arizona Christian University got involved in the Glendale 40 Days for Life campaign for the first time this spring.

"We have been praying for this," said Tammy, the local vigil leader. ACU students are credited with service hours for their time praying on the sidewalk.

That's not the only good news. Planned Parenthood cut its business days in half--from six all the way down to three!


Waco, Texas

I recently spoke at a 40 Days for Life event in Waco, where Baylor University students are answering the call to pray for an end to abortion.

David, who leads the campus pro-life group, reached out to Planned Parenthood clients. "We pleaded with [them], letting them know there were more options."

One young woman went into Planned Parenthood--but left after choosing life for her baby!


I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

— Romans 12:1

God Almighty, You alone are worthy of our praise and worship. Having accepted Your Son’s sacrifice on my behalf, I in turn present my body to you as a living sacrifice. I pray that you would use me as your vessel to rescue others who are perishing.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316