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At the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, President Trump took the stage and declared that, "We went through a journey like nobody
else... we began it together four years ago, and it is far from being over."
I couldn't agree with that sentiment more.
I want to hear what you think - Do you agree
that Trump is still the leader of the Republican Party?
My team and I have set a goal to find 50,000 conservative patriots to take our poll by March 25th
(TOMORROW!). As of this morning we've received responses from 45,000 conservatives, which means to hit our goal we need 5,000 poll responses today.
Take my survey today by following the link
As Joe Biden enters his third month in office, Americans have the opportunity to reflect on the work President Trump did to advance our conservative
Before COVID-19, President Trump built the world's most prosperous economy. He brought jobs, factories and industries back to the United States. He
rebuilt and invested in rural America. He passed historic tax relief for the middle class. He made historic inroads towards peace in the Middle East.
Not to mention, he garnered the attention and action of millions of grassroots conservatives and Republicans around the country, reinvigorating the
party with his bold leadership.
In my eyes, Trump is still the leader of the Republican Party. Will you take my survey right now to let me know if you
agree or not?
For freedom,

Jim Jordan
Paid for by Jim Jordan for Congress
PO BOX 355
Delaware, OH 43015 |