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200 W 3rd St., Ste. 502 • Alton, IL 62002  618-433-8990 • [email protected]

Anne Schlafly Cori
Eagle Forum Chairman
Colleen Holcomb
Colleen Holcomb
Eagle Forum President

Did You Get a Stimulus Check from the Government?

Help Eagle Forum Save America!

  • Spend the stimulus on Action that Counts.
  • Eagle Forum fights for Your Values Everyday. Our Washington, D.C. office monitors the mischief on Capitol Hill. Your Alerts to Your Representative DO make a difference.
  • Make another difference: sign your stimulus check to Eagle Forum so we can save America!
  • The leadership of Eagle Forum is all volunteer, so your money goes farther when you donate to Eagle Forum.
  • When the Feds send you "free money" be sure to spend it on Eagle Forum, which seeks to limit the role of government in our lives!
  • Do More! Send the extra government money so we CAN STOP government spending.
  • Eagle Forum lobbies to STOP the growth of government and STOP the government intrusion into YOUR life.
Eagle Forum is stopping this mischief from the Left:
  • Federalizing our election laws
  • Redefining "sex" to include sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Taking away your guns
  • Defunding the police
  • Amnesty for illegal migrants and open borders
  • Massive spending and tax increases
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