How much do you know about the gender wage gap?

We all know that women in the U.S. are still fighting for equality -- you just had to see the photos from the NCAA basketball's biggest tournament to understand how women are valued 👇

NCAA weight training rooms for men's and women's teams.

These are the two weight rooms for NCAA athletes. The one on the left is for men. The one on the right is for women. And that's not all that wasn't equal at March Madness -- the men's teams even got better quality COVID-19 tests than women's teams.

We'd say our minds are blown, but honestly, this is just what women in America have come to expect.

Meanwhile, today is Women's Equal Pay Day, the day that symbolizes how far into 2021 the average woman has to work to earn what the average man in the same position made in 2020.

We think everyone should have an awareness of the gender pay gap, John, so with that in mind, we created a (short!) quiz to test your knowledge... It's 2021. It's beyond time for us to achieve true equality for women.


-- Team Christy

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