We have added new training dates, please help us spread the word!

Dear Supporter,

This past week over 30,000 people registered to our Bystander Intervention to Stop Anti-Asian and Xenophobic Harassment training. We are filled with hope by this response, and committed to showing up, which is why we’ve worked with our partners at Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC and expanded capacity for our previously listed training session, while also adding four more dates.

If you missed out last week, register now.  And if you are registered and wanted to share with your friends and allies, seats are now open. 

We’ve created this social media graphic and caption/tweet you can post on your accounts to invite your allies:

Image that reads

Hi friends! Join me and sign up to this Bystander Intervention training to Stop anti-Asian/American and Xenophobic Harassment. It’s 1-hour long, interactive, and there are multiple dates available right now: https://www.ihollaback.org/bystanderintervention/ @ihollaback @AAAJ_AAJC

And below we’re listing all the trainings that are open for registration with each registration link, so feel free to forward this email to anyone you want to invite:

  • Tuesday April 6th 2021. 2pm ET/ 1pm CT/ 12pm MT/ 11am PT/ 9am HST. Register Here.
  • Wednesday April 7th 2021. 3pm ET/ 2pm CT/ 1pm MT/ 12pm PT/ 10am HST. Register Here.
  • Thursday April 8th 2021. 1pm ET/ 12pm CT/ 11am MT/ 10am PT/ 8am HST. Register Here.

The following trainings have expanded capacity and are open for registration again:

  • March 29 at 3:00 PM ET/ 2:00 PM CT/ 1:00 PM MT/ 12:00 PM PT/ 10:00 AM HST. Register Here.
  • Monday April 5th 2021. 1pm EST/ 12PM CT/ 11am MT/ 10am PT/ 7am HST. Register Here
  • Wednesday April 14th 2021. 6:30pm EST/ 5:30pm CT/ 4:30pm MT/ 3:30pm PT/ 12:30 HST. Register Here
  • Thursday April 29th 2021. 3pm EST/ 2pm CT/ 1pm MT/ 12pm PT/ 9am HST. Register Here

We also want to welcome everyone joining our movement to end harassment, and to reiterate, that each intervention that you make out in the world chips away at the culture that makes harassment seem acceptable. Whether you are new to our work, or have been around for years, thank you for showing up to protect each other.

With Hope,


P.S. Are you passionate about bringing an end to harassment? Are you an experienced training facilitator interested in becoming part of our team? If so, we  look forward to hearing from you! Apply here

P.P.S. These trainings are free because of the support of people like you. If you can, please donate so we can continue to expand capacity and get everyone trained.
