Join us for the People's Day of Action
Help us reach our goal of 250 donors.


This week, we’re hosting a week of action focused on ending the filibuster and passing the For the People Act in the Senate. We need to make sure we keep the pressure on Congress to end the filibuster and pass S.1. Our goal is to get 250 donations before this week of action ends.

We’re contacting thousands of young people and asking them to reach out to their senators in favor of S.1, a groundbreaking voting rights bill that would protect and strengthen our democracy.

Your donation will help us engage in activities — this coming week and into the future — like hosting text banks, phone banks, and workshops where we teach volunteers how to contact their representatives. Will you help us fight for a progressive future?

NextGen America

We’ve seen our youth organizing tactics lead us to victory — just two weeks ago, we stopped horrible voter suppression bills from advancing in the New Hampshire legislature. But, the bigger the lift, the more hands we need to share the weight. 

Can we count on you to join the fight?

Contribute now

Thanks in advance,

Sofia Garduno
Distributed Organizing Manager
NextGen America

NextGen America
268 Bush St. #2919
San Francisco, CA 94104-3503

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Paid for by NextGen Climate Action Committee;;
not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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