
Hi there:

As Secretary of State, I'm in the democracy business.

I can tell you that right now we have the chance to pass a once-in-a-generation package to reform American democracy. It's called the For the People Act. The U.S. House has already passed it. But now, we need the U.S. Senate to act. That could be a real challenge.

That's why I need your help. I'm asking for 7,500 grassroots activists to join me in calling on Senate to pass For the People Act right away →

Add your name →

The legislation would:

Those who don't want reform are doing everything they can to kill the bill. There's a danger that the measure could get stalled in the Senate. We can't let that happen. Senator Amy Klobuchar is working hard to pass the bill through her committee. And I've done my part by joining a coordinated national effort to pass the bill. But supporters need to speak up as soon as possible.

Will you add your name and send the Senate a clear message that we need to pass the For the People Act? Add your name now.

Thanks for lending your voice to the effort to make American democracy better, cleaner, and more responsive.






Prepared and paid for by Simon for Secretary of State Committee | P.O. Box 4217 | Hopkins, MN | 55343

Steve Simon for Secretary of State
P.O. Box 4217
Hopkins MN 55343 United States