
The Patriotic Millionaires are a group of wealthy individuals exposing the role of big money in politics and fighting for an economy that works for everyone.

So we thought HAZMAT America members would be interested in the big virtual conference they’re hosting TODAY! Click to RSVP to join the conference and learn more!

What: Power and Money in America: A Virtual Conference 

When: TODAY, March 24, 3-5pm ET/12pm-2pm PT! 

How: Click to RSVP here

Why: Because we MUST take on the role of big money influence in our democracy and fight for an economy that works for EVERYONE! 

The conference will include two dozen of the nation’s top thinkers, activists, and practitioners for a fast-paced, content-rich exploration of everything from the psychology of power to wealth hoarders, from white supremacy to CEO pay.

This event couldn’t come at a more critical time. Americans are totally fed up with big money billionaire influence in our democracy, and the Covid crisis has completely exposed the inequalities in our economy that only benefit the rich. Now, with the For the People Act in the Senate, we have a real chance to take on the role of big money interests in our elections so we can pass reforms that benefit everyone, not wealthy corporations and the 1%.

In this conference, the Patriotic Millionaires will be unraveling the tangled web of power and money that control our country, and discussing how we can build a better country that works for everyone, not just the rich and powerful.

Click here to see the complete speakers list and register for today’s critical conversation.

Thank you for all you do,

-HAZMAT America

PS: With the For the People Act in the Senate, we have a historic chance to pass fundamental reform. Will you chip in to help our campaign to pass this critical legislation so we can protect and expand voting rights, end gerrymandering, take on the toxic role of big money in politics, and win a democracy that works for EVERYONE, not big corporations and the 1%?



Your support keeps us 100% grassroots funded and focused on fighting the toxic forces corrupting our democracy. If you think you have received this email in error, please reply to let us know.

HAZMAT America

1701 K Street NW, Suite 750

Washington, DC 20006

United States


Paid for by HAZMAT America LLC • Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee •
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