Hey team,
Facebook just recently lifted its ban on political ads and we’ve been using this opportunity to get Susie’s message out far and wide, across NV-03.
These ads are vitally important for our campaign. Not only are we able to bring in more supporters to our fight but, we’re also able to raise the money that we need to keep the campaign’s gears turning at high speed. So, can we show Susie that you’ve helped by chipping in $50, $20, or even $10 to keep our momentum going?
For every $5 that the campaign raises, we’re able to run one ad on Facebook to reach folks across our district. We can’t let our strength in advertising fizzle, team -- this is where we need you to come in.
Can we count on you to chip in to our Digital Ads Fund? We can’t do this without you and it would be a huge help if you sponsored 2, 4, or 10 ads.
Republicans have their eyes on NV-03 as one of the top districts to flip in 2022. As we write this, they’re preparing to spend millions to try and unseat Susie.
But folks, we’re not going to let that happen because Nevadans deserve a fighter like Susie Lee in Congress. We need your help getting more of our Facebook ads running by giving $50, $20, or $10 as soon as you can.
We’re grateful that we can rely on strong supporters like you to help us keep up the good fight and keep Susie in Congress.
Thank you so much,
- Team Susie Lee