It's official, friend.

Last night, at a gun range in Alabama, standing on stage next to known white nationalist and xenophobe Stephen Miller, Mo Brooks announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate.

We’re already working to ensure that Mo never has a chance of winning before he can even get started, and we need you with us.



The most concerning part is that, last night, Brooks didn’t just avoid acknowledging his role in inciting the January 6th insurrection like so many of the 147 traitors have been, he actually bragged about it. Mo Brooks isn’t running for Senate despite being disgraced as a violent, racist insurrectionist. He’s running for Senate on the platform that he’s a violent, racist insurrectionist.


If you weren’t already sure, his announcement speech last night made it clear that Brooks has no remorse for his role in the January 6th attack. He began with a barefaced Big Lie: “In 2020, America suffered the worst voter fraud and election theft in history,” Brooks said to cheers.

It’s clear that Mo Brooks plans to use his campaign platform – and, God forbid, his power as U.S. Senator – not to skirt blame for the failed January 6th coup. One day into his campaign, it’s clear he wants another shot at it.

Voters in Alabama can and will see through Mo Brooks’s lies, blatant neo-Confederate propaganda, and violent, extremist rhetoric. They’ll see the truth, but only if we can put the truth in front of them. Will you pitch in $15 or any amount you can afford so that Mo Brooks never gets near the U.S. Senate?

Seditionists don’t become Senators,

Operation 147




PO Box 71173
Bethesda, MD 20813-1173

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