Mo Brooks is a proven conservative that will be a fearless fighter in the Senate.

To keep receiving updates from my campaign, please add us to your address book.

Mo Brooks for Senate

John -- this is not a "rah rah" rally speech...this is a sober reflection of what we must do to save our country...

America's status as the greatest nation in world history is at risk – will you help out?

America and our foundational principles are under attack and at greater risk than any time in my lifetime. Quite frankly, I have never feared so much for America's future.

This is who we're up against. Dictatorial socialists:

  • oppose voter identification laws that help ensure only lawful, eligible citizens vote,
  • support mass mail-out of ballots to make it easier to steal votes, and
  • support letting non-citizens vote in America elections to cancel the votes of American citizens

Our bill of rights are under attack – will you fight back?

Socialists attack our 1st Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech with cancel culture, Big Tech censorship, and threats on the jobs and incomes of Americans who dare tell the truth.

Socialists attack our 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms by disarming Americans to render us powerless in the face of dictatorial Socialism!

Socialists attack Freedom of Religion and work tirelessly to destroy moral values and our faith in God by punishing churches that actually obey Biblical teachings.

Socialists attack morality when they let men pretend to be women to compete in women’s sports, thereby denying women playing time and scholarship opportunities.

Join me in fighting back against Socialists with proven conservative values.

How do we stop the damage Socialist Democrats are hell-bent on inflicting on America? We must elect proven conservatives

I have a proven record of conservative leadership that voters can look at, see and rely on!

I have been twice endorsed by President Trump for election. Twice I stood by his side and fought defamatory, hyper-partisan impeachment scams against President Trump. 

No person in Alabama history has successfully carried the Republican banner in general elections against Socialist Democrats more times than I have. 

I have:

  • Been rated the top Congressmen on Border Security issues by NumbersUSA and the Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform.
  • Received an "A" vote by National Right to Life
  • Received an "A" grading by the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America
  • Received high marks from the Heritage Foundation, American Conservative Union, Council for Citizens Against Government Waste, Concerned Women for America, and Eagle Forum.

In sum, you know what I will do by knowing what I have done. Please consider supporting my fight right now.

We're up against Socialist Democrats. 

We're up against the Fake News Media.

We're up against weak-kneed Establishment Republicans. 

But I fight for America. I don't cower in the face of their dishonest tactics, and they know it. 

To join this fight, please consider giving $25 right now to my campaign – help elect a proven conservative.

Please help me Take America Back!

Thank you,

Congressman Mo Brooks

P.S. I'm fighting back against the radical socialist agenda, will you join me and help out by donating $25 right now?

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