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World Resources Institute


Cities Can Lead the Way in a Green Recovery 

The technologies and practices needed to drastically cut urban emissions in six countries exists, according to new research from WRI’s Coalition for Urban Transitions. If implemented, cities in China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa could cut emissions as much as 96% more than their countries’ Paris Agreement commitments. Applying the technologies and practices could yield economic returns of more than $12 trillion by 2050 and support 31 million new jobs in 2030. Read More.

Solar panels being installed on the roof of the metro station in Noida, New Delhi, India. Renewable energy initiatives like this one can help cities reboot economies, build resilience and curb climate change. Photo by amlanmathur/iStock

Wholesale Energy Markets: What’s at Stake for Local U.S. Governments? 

A new WRI working paper shows how U.S. cities and other local governments can use wholesale energy markets to accelerate regional decarbonization and boost renewable energy use. The research supports a growing movement among U.S. city and local governments to utilize wholesale markets to address the climate emergency. Read More.

 Workers move solar panels on a rooftop in Providence, Rhode Island. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has long boosted the fossil fuel industry, but new leadership has a chance to change that trend.

US Business Lobby Should Push for Climate Action 

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has a new CEO. Who cares? The powerful lobbying group has been a big booster of the fossil fuel industry for decades, but new leadership can bring a fresh approach. In an op-ed published in The Hill, a news outlet widely read by U.S. policymakers, WRI’s Center for Sustainable Business Director Kevin Moss names four ways the Chamber can promote climate action. Read more.

World Water Day Highlights Climate Inequities – and Solutions 

A quarter of all people live in countries that face extremely high water stress. The number of people affected by floods will double in the next decade. Yet these and other problems can be solved. WRI’s highlights more than a dozen tools and other resources for World Water Day, including the Water Risk Atlas, Country Rankings, Aqueduct Flood and and our latest water-risk tool, Aqueduct Food, offering sub-national data on water and agriculture. Read more.



What Happened to the World’s Forests in 2020?
March 31, 2021
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT

Undaunted by COVID-19: 2020 City Clean Energy Trends & Stories
April 01, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT

Land Accelerator Latin America Demo Days
April 20, 2021 to April 21, 2021
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CET