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Dear NCRC members and allies,

This month serves as a rallying point for the progress made in gender equity and women’s rights in both the political and economic systems. To honor that progress, we must commit to creating a more equitable society for women. 

We support #ChooseToChallenge, a strong call-to-action to press forward, to motivate and unite to strive for gender parity. Women’s issues are issues that affect society, and we will not achieve parity if women act alone. The fight requires the collective efforts of us all, standing in unison against injustices and inequalities that disproportionately affect girls and women. 

In commemoration of Women’s History Month, please support NCRC’s work to narrow the growing gender wealth gaps that hold back American households from enjoying a just and prosperous American Dream.
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With gratitude for your continued interest and support, 


PS: This week we kicked off a publishing series about the pandemic's disproportionate impact on women. 
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NCRC Launches Interactive Tool To Explore Local Lending Patterns [Read more]
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