Dear John,
Fiscal hawks in Washington have left no stone unturned when it comes to finding ways to downsize the government’s financial obligations to workers and retirees. Now faced with record-breaking deficits and looking for a scapegoat, some in Washington are pointing to our large and successful social insurance programs as the culprit.
There’s no doubt in my mind that the future of Social Security and Medicare — and your earned benefits, too — absolutely depends on grassroots involvement from people like you right now. No matter who sits in the White House or leads Congress we must keep the pressure on!
With current and future retirement benefits remaining at risk, you can leverage your clout as an older American by putting your lawmakers on notice that you will be monitoring how they vote on key bills that could impact Social Security and Medicare.
Sign our Petition to Congress and tell your U.S. Representative to reject any bill, amendment or proposal that weakens Social Security or Medicare and instead support legislation that improves these programs and the earned benefits of millions of older Americans.
As President of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, I’m proud to serve in the company of literally millions of grassroots members and supporters like you who want their voices heard, their views represented, and their earned benefits protected and improved.
Despite renewed focus by fiscal hawks on slashing earned benefits, we now have a historic opportunity to advance proposals in Congress that will actually boost Social Security benefits, expand Medicare coverage and lower prescription drug costs — but only if we speak out even louder than before. And I need very large numbers of older Americans — I need YOU — to help us do it.
That’s why I hope I can count on you to sign our Petition today! Our goal is to collect OVERWHELMING NUMBERS of signatures from workers and retirees nationwide that simply cannot be ignored by Congress.
Max Richtman
President & CEO