Did you see our email about Medicare for All last week?
A majority of Democrats in both the House AND Senate are now co-sponsors of Medicare For All.
This is HUGE -- and further proof that our organizing is working. But we cannot let up now, that is why we’re counting on you to take the next step to continue building like never before.
Across the country, DFA members are coming together to work on the front lines of the fight to pass Medicare for All. By working together, we will ensure that health care is a human right in America, not just something some people can afford while others go without.
We're so close to our goal of 100,000 signatures, but we're not there yet because we still need you!! Please add your name to our joint petition calling on Congress to pass Medicare for All now!
- Tre
P.S. If you want some more information, here's Madison's email from last week.
------ Original Message from DFA, March 19th, 2020 ------
John, isn’t it time for America to finally join the rest of the industrialized world and provide healthcare to ALL Americans?
Isn’t it time for no one in the richest country in the world to ever have to choose between getting the healthcare they need and paying rent or buying food?
I’m tired of hundreds of thousands of Americans going bankrupt from medical bills even though they supposedly HAVE full coverage health insurance.
Fortunately, I’m not alone. Led by Rep. Pramila Jayapal in the House and Sen. Bernie Sanders in the Senate, over half of the Democratic caucus have co-sponsored the Medicare for All bill now working its way through Congress.
The problem is half the caucus isn’t enough to pass it yet.
That’s where you come in. We’ve gotten this far because the American people have demanded it and the grassroots backbone of the Democratic Party has fought for it.
We can’t stop now.
In fact, we need to amp up the pressure right now and make it clear to every member of Congress that we won’t give up until we win. Please join DFA, National Nurses United, and several of our partners in demanding Congress pass Medicare for All by signing our joint petition now!
We’re winning this fight. When Reps John Conyers and Bernie Sanders co-sponsored the first Medicare for All bill in the U.S. House in 2003 there were only 25 House Democrats who joined them.
Guess how many Senators?
Zero. That’s right: Zero.
Today, the majority of Democrats in both the House AND Senate are co-sponsors. Let’s not forget, even the Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris was a co-sponsor when she was still a Senator last year.
That’s a lot of momentum, but let’s be clear: That’s not victory.
This battle isn’t over until we win and every single person in America has access to the healthcare they need through Medicare for All. Please join me and DFA members nationwide by adding your name to the petition now >>
Insurance companies want us to believe we will never win. That it’s impossible to beat them. They say we shouldn’t even try.
We’re going to do it anyway and we will win... because of you.
Thank you for taking action today.
Madison White
Campaign Organizer
Democracy for America