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The massive influx of illegal migrants at our southern border is a crisis. It’s not a “small dilemma” or a “tough situation” or a problem to “circle back to.” It’s a self-inflicted wound, the byproduct of Joe Biden’s campaign promises to open our borders and grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. 

Take it from Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador: “They see him (Joe Biden) as the migrant President, and so many feel they’re going to reach the United States.” 

After years of smearing President Trump’s immigration policies that put America First, the Democrats and their media allies strangely have nothing to say about the lawless chaos happening right now along the southern border. Their silence is deafening.  

On his first day in office, Joe Biden moved to stop construction on the border wall. He then laid out a detailed plan to provide amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants already in the country, prevented ICE agents from doing their jobs, and reimplemented the disastrous “catch and release” policy.  

The left slammed President Trump his entire Presidency for border policies that protected Americans from criminals and drug cartels who used children for their crimes, but now that Joe Biden is in the Oval Office, we are facing the biggest border crisis in modern history.  

We stand for the principle that border security is national security, and with each passing day, the situation at the border is becoming more and more dangerous for American citizens.  

Please chip in what you can right now to send a message that we want our secure borders back! 


America is a land of immigrants, and we welcome people from all over the world who desire a chance to achieve their own American Dream. However, we have immigration LAWS for a reason. And Joe Biden refuses to enforce the laws on the books. This is why it’s so important to elect Republican leaders who will secure our borders and get this situation under control. 

And let’s call what’s happening at the border what it is: Biden’s Border Crisis.  

– Team IN GOP 

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