The 2020s will be J Street's decade.
J Street

Dear Friend,

In the months ahead, we'll begin carrying out J Street’s Strategic Vision for the 2020s.

It's a ten-year roadmap that calls for doubling J Street’s size, scope and budget -- while dramatically expanding our reach and influence. Our aim -- with your support -- is to ensure that our values-driven movement becomes the preeminent voice on Israeli-Palestinian issues in the United States.

Our goal is a future in which American leadership fully reflects our community's values, upholds Palestinian rights and fights to secure Israel's future as a peaceful, democratic homeland for the Jewish people. It’s one where our government is fully focused on using diplomacy to end conflicts and solve challenges, instead of embroiling our nation in endless wars of choice.

To make that future a reality, we need to hit every one of our budget targets in the years ahead. And we have a big one before us, our first small-dollar drive of 2021. Are you able to help us reach our $60,000 Passover fundraising goal?

If you have ActBlue Express set up, your donation will process immediately:

Chip in $9 Chip in $36
Chip in $72 Chip in $180
Chip in $360 Other

Over the past 12 months, it's sometimes been difficult to find something to look forward to -- but there's so much in our strategic plan that I'm truly excited about.

Here are some of the highlights. With your help:

  • We’ll launch a formal policy department dedicated to providing accurate information, nuanced analysis and fresh policy proposals to lawmakers and the White House.
  • Our educational travel program to Israel and the West Bank has helped transform dozens of policymakers and members of Congress into informed, enthusiastic champions for peace and democracy. We'll significantly expand the program, aiming to bring over 1,000 participants on our trips in the next decade.
  • We’ll put more J Street community-organizing staff on the ground in new cities and states, including in Texas and the Mountain West.
  • We’ll establish new J Street U chapters across the country, aiming for a total of over 100.
  • We’ll continue to be a welcoming political home for all our members, continuing to deepen our partnerships with our pro-democracy, racial justice, Jewish and progressive allies.

These are important, big picture goals -- but reaching them will be necessary if we are to effectively displace the loud, ideological, well-financed groups to our right.

If you're as excited as I am about these goals and what they’d mean for US policy toward Israel/Palestine, please chip in today >>

Chip in $9 Chip in $36
Chip in $72 Chip in $180
Chip in $360 Other

Friend, sustaining our advocacy and political work through this extremely challenging fundraising environment hasn’t been easy. It’s only been possible thanks to amazing supporters like you who’ve had our back, time and again.

Thank you, truly.

That support has delivered us to this moment. We have an unprecedented window of opportunity to help shape a bold new progressive direction for American leadership. We cannot let it slip by.

Thanks again and happy Passover to all who celebrate, 

Jess Smith
Chief Operating Officer

Wednesday, March 24 | 3pm Eastern
Post-Election Analysis
with Neri Zilber

Today, Israelis are headed to the polls for the fourth election in just two years. Join us tomorrow for a special J Stream briefing to discuss the results and what they could mean for all the work outlined above.


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© 2021 J Street | | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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