
The House has been busy passing bills to help the American people. Bills like universal background checks, economic stimulus plans, and now, a bill devoted to making our election more just and transparent.

The bill, HR 1 or the For the People Act will:

  • Form a set of national voter registration and mail-in voting standards,
  • Create a nonpartisan redistricting commission,
  • Make super PACs and “dark money” groups disclose their donors publicly,
  • Create new ethic rules for public servants,
  • Make all presidential candidates disclose their tax returns to the public.

If you support HR 1, then stand with us and demand the Senate pass this bill quickly.


After the past election, we need to make sure that no one is disenfranchised. That all votes for government representation are counted, and no one is disqualified for mailing in their ballot!

That’s why this bill is a top priority for Democrats. We are constantly working to ensure that we are as transparent as possible and that includes knowing who funds campaigns. 

Dark money has existed for too long and it’s time to know who is supporting candidates. 

So, stand with us and demand that the Senate pass this bill to help create more free and fair elections.



-- Team Clarke




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