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Dear NCRC members and allies,

Over a year ago, women outnumbered men in the workforce, the first time since 2010. What a difference a year (and global pandemic) makes. Just this past December, women strikingly accounted for 100% of the jobs lost that month, rounding out almost a full year of women bearing the brunt of the negative impacts in the ongoing national crisis. 

Some economists call this America’s first female recession, or “she-cession.” It is not hyperbole to say that the drastic slashes in jobs, income and career development for women as a result of the COVID-19 national crisis may cause a setback to the economic growth of an entire generation of women, namely women of color. 

Our 2021 Just Economy session, Women in Crisis: America’s First Female Recession, will discuss how the first female recession began, when it will be over, and what it will take for the predominantly Black and Brown women to regain economic traction. Other conference sessions will discuss the pandemic’s impact on care workers, the majority who are women of color and immigrants, and women entrepreneurs. Register now to join us online May 3-4 for two days of keynotes and networking and for our post conference Just Economy Sessions, May 5-14
Register now
We know a few conference sessions are not enough to talk about all the ways the pandemic has impacted women and possible solutions. That’s why we’ve lined up a special blog series to start the conversation. 

We also invite you to share your thoughts, concerns, hopes and possible solutions on our Jamboard.

How are you seeing the pandemic impact women you serve?
How has the pandemic impacted you or women you know?
What changes do we need to prevent this from happening again? 

Post on Jamboard
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