I think by now you’ve heard from my team about why tonight’s end-of-quarter deadline is important. 

But deadlines aside, here’s what I can tell you:

When we celebrated our one year election anniversary earlier this month, it wasn’t because corporate PACs stuck their necks out to show us support in 2018.

You did.

When our team knocks doors and makes phone calls in every corner of the district, it isn’t because the NRA is funding our field program.

You are.

When I sit down with my team and colleagues to talk about ways we can bring change to hardworking families in our community and around the country, special interests have no place in our discussions.

You do.

Your grassroots support has grown this campaign from the ground up since the day we launched. And it’s been the honor of my career earning it every week from here on out.

If you can help us one more time, please consider chipping in before tonight’s deadline at midnight. Here’s the best link:

For everything, thank you.

-- Lori