Enough Project
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As we know, corruption doesn't take place within neat boundaries. Instances of corruption in one country often rely on facilitation from other nations or loopholes in the international financial system. The key role that Kenya plays in aiding corruption and human rights abuses in South Sudan is on display in a new investigative series by our friends at Africa Uncensored, a Kenyan investigative media organization. Their series of articles and videos published over the last month features The Sentry's investigative findings on corruption in South Sudan.
The four-part series covers:
* Corruption and conflicts of interest in South Sudan's mining sector (watch [ [link removed] ], read [ [link removed] ])
* The roles played by Kenya and South Sudan's National Security Service in the abduction and murders of South Sudanese activists Dong Samuel Luak and Aggrey Ezbon Idri (watch [ [link removed] ], read [ [link removed] ])
* Loopholes in Kenya's anti-money laundering framework, including gaps in enforcement in their real estate and banking sectors (watch their 2018 "Profiteers" video [ [link removed] ], read [ [link removed] ] )
* Key examples of potential money laundering by South Sudanese elites through the purchase of luxury real estate in Kenya (this final installment is yet to be released, so keep an eye on their Twitter account [ [link removed] ] for more to come)
To help curb the corruption that led to the violence, human rights abuses, and financial crimes exposed in the series, The Sentry has outlined key steps [ [link removed] ] that should be taken by South Sudan, Kenya, the United States, and other international donors and organizations supporting the implementation of South Sudan's peace agreement.
We hope you find this series as important as we do and we thank you for your continued interest in the critical work of countering corruption and kleptocracy.
Brad Brooks-Rubin
Managing Director
The Sentry
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