March 22, 2021 Friends,
Late last week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, along with Senators Cory Booker and Ron Wyden, recorded a video outlining their plan to introduce comprehensive legislation to repeal federal marijuana criminalization and expunge the records of those with federal cannabis convictions.
We’ve previously sent action alerts to demand that your Senators join in this conversation, but our records indicate you have yet to contact them. That is why we are asking you now: Please send a message right now and tell your Senators that you want them to end prohibition this year!
From the porch of the US Senate, with the Washington Monument visible in the background, these three Senators emphasized the core points that NORML has been making for decades. They spoke about legalization as a matter of personal freedom and lamented over how the enforcement of marijuana prohibition disproportionately targets veterans, the poor, and communities of color.
With a 50-50 partisan split in the Senate, we’re only going to advance this issue if we ensure that Democratic and Republican Senators alike hear our demands for reform. Majority Leader Schumer explicitly called for all supporters of legalization to contact their Senators now because “we want to move this.”
Send a message to your Senators and tell them now is the time.
There has never been a Congress like this before. For the first time in American history, we have a Senate Majority Leader calling for the end to federal prohibition and a Speaker of the House who presided over the first-ever successful vote in the US House of Representatives to end this failed policy.
Together, by lifting up all of our voices, we can achieve victory.
Thanks for all you do,
Justin Strekal
NORML Political Director

P.S. You can sign up to become a sustaining NORML member by chipping in 5, 10, or 20 bucks a month so we can continue to grow our efforts.