
Week of March 22, 2021




Solidarity with BAmazon Union! Rally at Grand Park


(TODAY) Monday, March 22 @ 8:00 am - 11:00 am


Nearly 5,800 workers in Bessemer, Alabama, are casting their ballots in a historic election to decide whether to form Amazon’s first warehouse union in America while faced with the company blanketing anti-union propaganda across their workplace. The election ends on March 29th and in solidarity, workers from across Los Angeles will be turning out for a rally to show wholehearted support.

Where to Rally: Grand Park (upper level near Grand Ave) – 200 N Grand Ave, LA 90012. DSA members will gather in the tiered area above the large fountain. 

Suggested Parking: Lady of Angels Cathedral (555 W Temple St), Walt Disney Concert Hall (111 S Grand Ave)

Masks and social distancing will be enforced.


The following list is only a highlight of what's happening this week with DSA-LA. Please check out our online calendar for full list of committee meetings & chapter events! Be sure to also follow our Instagram & Twitter for real-time announcements and calls-to-action!

Neighborhood Meetings


One-on-One Organizing Conversation Training


Tuesday, March 23 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

The Political Education committee invites chapter leaders and neighborhood organizers for a training in the art of the one-on-one organizing conversation.

If you’re unfamiliar, the one-on-one conversation is the quintessential tool of the organizer and if you’re in DSA Los Angeles, you should understand how to engage in strategic and effective one-on-one conversations to move people to action.

In this first session, we’ll go over the basics of a successful one-on-one organizing conversation. Attendees will then be asked to put their skills to use during the course of their work as organizers in the Neighborhood Solidarity Network.

If you’re an organizer in DSA Los Angeles, this is an essential skill that takes practice, so we invite you to join us for this important training!

South Central & Inglewood March Branch Meeting

(TODAY) Monday, March 15 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

A meeting to help organize the South Central & Inglewood Branch.

Pass the PRO Act Planning Meeting


Thursday, March 25 @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Click here to RSVP and receive Zoom details

DSA members are organizing to pass the PRO Act to win a Green New Deal.

Join our local planning meeting on Thursday, March 25th at 8:00 PM to get involved in the effort to pass the PRO Act.

DSA 101

Saturday, March 27 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Are you new or newly returning to DSA? To Los Angeles? To the Left? Then join us for DSA 101!

At this orientation, we’ll talk about what capitalism is, how it functions, and why socialism is ideologically opposed to it. Participants will also learn about the history of our organization and our chapter in particular, the current projects we’re working on, and how you can get involved. This is not a lecture, but a meeting for new and veteran organizers. We’re excited to chat with you!

Preregistration for this event is required. After RSVPing, you will receive a confirmation email with the information on how to join this meeting prior to it’s start.