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Hudson Institute Virtual Event, TODAY @ Noon EDT.

Sorry for the short notice, for those who like to watch and participate live, but we just heard about an event you might be interested in viewing online today. (You can still watch video of the event anytime after it is over.)

Author Michael Lind joins Hudson Institute's Distinguished Fellow Walter Russell Mead for a discussion on the future of America's middle class in an age of automation and globalization, and prospects for the GOP as the party of the working class.

Lind has written often on immigration, in his recent book and columns (here and elsewhere). Here's one quote from him:

"You need not be a Marxist to see that the class conflict between wage earners and employers in modern capitalist societies involves the relative bargaining power of the two groups, when it comes to setting wages, benefits, and working conditions. Where wages are set by market conditions rather than collective bargaining among employers and organized labor, tight labor markets increase the bargaining power of wage earners and loose labor markets reduce them. The working class should want employers to compete with one another to bid for scarce workers by raising wages, while the employer class should want a surplus of workers to compete with one another for scarce jobs by accepting lower wages.

Following this logic, organized labor in the United States has generally tended to favor restriction of immigration, from the early 19th century until the end of the 20th."

The livestream can be viewed TODAY, March 22 at Noon EDT on YouTube. No registration is required.

The Hudson Institute has all the details on this FREE event here.

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