From Erin Wing - Animal Outlook <[email protected]>
Subject Corporate greed leads to mass deaths in Arizona egg factory farm
Date March 22, 2021 3:59 PM
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No one should suffer like these hens did...

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Hi everyone, it’s Erin from Animal Outlook’s investigations team. We got word recently about a horrific incident in Arizona, which resulted in the gruesome deaths of 165,000 hens. Just a few days ago, a fire broke out in a massive shed at Hickman’s Egg Ranch and quickly spread to a second barn.

The loss of 165,000 lives is shocking, right? Any headline announcing this many deaths would usually refer to the event as a tragedy and the lives lost would be mourned. Not so for these hens. Instead, this event will likely be referred to by the animal agriculture industry as an “unfortunate loss of product,” and consumers have already been assured there will be no disruption to the supply of eggs in stores.

These hens deserved better.

The only evidence indicating that these hens once existed are the remains of the barns they were imprisoned within - misshapen aluminum and metal bars. The flames swallowed them whole, burning them alive. A tragic end to a life filled with cruelty from the day they were born.

165,000 hens dies tragically after a massive fire at Hickman’s Egg Ranch
Photo credit: Buckeye County Fire District

Before becoming Animal Outlook’s Deputy Director of Investigations, I spent time in the field as an undercover investigator. While I didn’t work inside an egg factory farm, I did spend time in a Tyson broiler factory farm ([link removed]) , so I have firsthand knowledge of how badly chickens are treated by the animal agriculture industry -- they spend their miserable lives locked inside crowded, filthy sheds forced to breathe in ammonia-laden air from their own waste.

Systemic cruelty is commonplace in factory farms.

The lives of hens in egg factory farms are no less cruel. Animal Outlook’s investigation of Esbenshade Farms ([link removed]) in Pennsylvania revealed birds living in overcrowded wire cages so small they can’t even spread their wings. Their wings, legs and feet would get caught in the wires of the cages and they were left to suffer from untreated injuries and illnesses, and were unable to access food and water. Injured and dying birds were removed from their cages and left on the floor to die a slow death. Birds who died in their cages were left to rot, forcing the other birds to live among their decomposing bodies.

To the factory farming industry, where animals are treated like mere meat, milk and egg producing machines, the lives of 165,000 hens dying in a fire is seen as an inconvenient loss in profit, not the heartbreaking loss of life that it truly is. These hens should never have had to spend their lives in a cramped barn or have died such a grim death.

We will not stop pulling back the curtains on these facilities to expose the truth -- not while animals continue to suffer. Will you support our undercover investigators by making a one-time donation ([link removed]) or by joining our United for Change Monthly Giving Program ([link removed]) ?

Thank you. Together, we're changing the world for animals.
With gratitude,

Erin Wing
Deputy Director of Investigations
P.S. You can read more about the fire at Hickman’s Egg Ranch and how they ignored the COVID-19 risk to their inmate workforce by clicking here ([link removed]) .

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