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Registration closes TODAY at 5 PM EST!

Forum 2.1 starts tomorrow, and today is your final chance to secure your spot in the conversation. In case you've missed our previous emails, Forum 2.1 has so much to offer, including: 
  • An exciting agenda with Learning Sessions on timely topics such as COVID-19; climate change; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and preventing sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. 
  • A multitude of Learning Lounges guaranteed to spark engaging conversations about pressing international issues.
  • Networking opportunities with fellow attendees in group and one-on-one sessions.
Buy your ticket
We can't solve global problems in a vacuum. Forum 2.1 offers the opportunity to work collaboratively across sectors to find common solutions to the world's most pressing challenges. We hope you'll join us tomorrow and Wednesday.

Got questions? Email [email protected]
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