Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely. For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website. Trump returning to social media with 'his own platform' in 2-3 months: adviser - Geller ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Trump returning to social media with 'his own platform' in 2-3 months: adviser - Geller Report News
Facebook Twitter Google+ Let's hope this is true. Conservatives are being banned, suppressed, and persecuted on the mainstream social media sites. As such, Conservatives must have an engaging social media platform that we can call home. A ...
The Biden ☭ Administration Is Imposing A Media Blackout At His Crisis On The Border - Geller Report News
Biden regime and its ministry of propaganda (the media) are trying to hide a crisis of his own making. Where's cryin' @AOC?
Border Patrol planning to RELEASE migrants into the US without a court date - Geller Report News
Democrats are destroying us. Every day another treasonous act against our beloved country.
DEMOCRAT DEVASTATION: Top finance, tech firms mulling NY MASS EXODUS over proposed tax hike - Geller Report News
The twin tyrants wrecking New York. If the Democrat-controlled state legislature passes its proposed $208 billion tax-and-spend plan, “New York State will be the most-taxed state in the country,” Once Wall Street bolts en masse, New York will ...
The American Police State - Geller Report News
It's here. The the Democrat controlled media, government and tech state make sure Americans stay blind, deaf and dumb. 🙈 🙉 🙊

Michigan Pizzeria Owner Arrested for Defying State COVID-19 Oppression - Geller Report News
But John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom, and the rest of the putrescent aristocracy don't need no stinkin' masks.

Pompeo: When China Sees Dems 'Deeply Tied' to BLM 'They Sense That America May Well Be in Decline' - Geller Report News
America's enemies are standing back just watching the Democrats destroy our great country and dismantle every precious freedom one by one. #Baizuo

Denmark Acts to 'Reduce the Risk of Religious and Cultural Parallel Societies' - Geller Report News
The Danish government has announced that it will limit the number of 'non-western' residents in neighborhoods to 30 per cent.

Gov. Kristi Noem won't sign bill banning transgender men from female sports - Geller Report News
Governor Kristi Noem may have just tanked her 2024 presidential campaign

North Korea Confirms It Is Actively Ignoring Biden - Geller Report News
Watch the enemedia write glowingly about this epic failure of leadership.

Tracking all of Joe Biden's false or misleading claims - Geller Report News
Facebook Twitter Google+ The Washington Post said they won't fact check Joe Biden. He routinely says things that aren't true, and someone has to do it. Therefore, The Geller Report will fact check false statements President Biden makes ...

24 More Charged in Voter-Fraud Probe, Prosecutors Say - Geller Report News
Illegals. Now think about that in the context of Biden's illegal migrant surge.

Jewish groups condemn CNN's Don Lemon for vile antisemitism in remarks suggesting Black and Brown Jews don't exist - Geller Report News
The anchors on CNN are awful. However, none are worse than the serial liar and racist Don Lemon.

"The Taming of the Jew," Tuvia Tenenbom's non-politically correct latest book - Geller Report News
Facebook Twitter Google+ Best sellers German American Israeli-born writer Tuvia Tenenbom is continuing is journey thru Europe, meeting locals and officials, reporting with his unmissable sense of humor about the hidden thoughts of the people he ...

Biden ☭ administration to fly illegal migrants to northern US border facilities - Geller Report News
Moving them to battle ground states where voter fraud has been established to insure dictatorial Democrat results. And unlike President Trump, the Biden admin is prohibiting any press from covering what they are doing to the children.

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