Canadians are heading to the polls soon and we need one last push from you. //


We know that Canadians across the country are getting more excited everyday about Jagmeet and our dynamic NDP team – but with 21 days until election day, we need to shift things into high gear and make sure that we’re turning this momentum into votes.

With only a few more weeks until people head to the polls, hitting this last end-of-quarter target before the election will make all the difference in our crucial get-out-the-vote strategy.

With so much at stake – we thought you’d like to know where you stand as one of our core supporters.

Supporter ID: [email protected]
$$ matched so far: Not yet! *

Suggested next step: Can you pitch in $3 right now and help us hit our $85,000 end-of-quarter goal?

Chip in!

John, this is our most crucial quarterly goal since 2015 and hitting it could be a real game changer.

Canadians are disappointed and tired of being let down by Liberal and Conservative governments in Ottawa who only make life easier for the ultra-rich and powerful. With your help, we can make sure that people make a different choice at the ballot box this election.

But we don’t have much time left – help us hit our critical end-of-quarter target so that we can move ahead and keep our campaign plan on track heading into the final stretch of this campaign.


Thanks for your support!

Your NDP Team

* Does this number look wrong? We try our best to get it right, but sometimes your donations are associated with a different email, or didn’t make it onto our email database. We appreciate all your support!


New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
