Donald Trump might be out of the White House, but Republican attorneys general across the country are still doing his bidding and conspiring to block President Biden’s agenda at every turn. They failed in their attempts to overturn the results of the election and now they’re hellbent on preventing a duly elected President from undoing the illegal policies of the past four years.
Here’s what Republican AGs have tried to block so far:
🛑 President Biden’s rollback of Trump’s cruel immigration policies, like the public charge wealth test and widespread deportations
🛑 President Biden’s efforts to tackle the climate crisis by limiting pollution from greenhouse gases
🛑 Passage of the For the People Act, a sweeping voting rights bill that will expand access to the ballot box and dismantle voter suppression
For four years, Republican AGs were complicit in Donald Trump’s lies, hatred, and attacks on our rule of law. Now, they’re launching baseless, politically-motivated attacks against President Biden. But the law is on our side. 
Democratic AGs will always fight to protect our rule of law, our democracy, our institutions – and each and every one of you. We will always stand for justice. 
Thanks for all you do,

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Paid for by the Maura Healey Committee
PO Box 15 Boston MA 02137 United States