Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights

March 21, 2021


The Afghanistan Papers a Year Later:
A Live Q&A With Washington Post's Craig Whitlock

Wednesday, March 24
1:00 pm Eastern


In December 2019, the Washington Post's Craig Whitlock published a trove of confidential government documents on the conduct of the Afghan war over the preceding 18 years. ‘The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War’ revealed a pattern in Washington of hiding the truth and presenting overly optimistic assessments about the war that were detached from reality on the ground in Afghanistan. The magnitude of the attempts to cover-up a failing war effort and rampant corruption in the reconstruction effort sent shockwaves through the media. Join us for a discussion of the impact of the Afghanistan Papers a year later. How were the documents uncovered, and what did they reveal — both about Afghanistan, but also about U.S. foreign policymaking and congressional and executive oversight? QI's Adam Weinstein will moderate.

Is Time Running Out for the JCPOA?

Thursday, March 25
2:00 pm Eastern


Candidate Joe Biden was fiercely critical of Donald Trump's breach of the Iran Nuclear Deal and pledged to return to it once elected president. But since taking office, Biden appears not to be in a rush, insisting that Iran must take the first step towards returning to compliance. This demand has created a deadlock as Iran inches towards its presidential election season, rendering diplomacy even more difficult. What is motivating Biden's approach? And will it pay off, or does it risk losing the nuclear deal altogether? QI will host a panel discussion featuring Atlantic Council's Emma Ashford, Johns Hopkins' Vali Nasr, and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace's Aaron David Miller. QI's Trita Parsi will moderate.


Our Anti-China Foreign Policy is Fueling Violence Against Asian Americans
By Jessica Lee, Senior Research Fellow
Responsible Statecraft, 3/21/21

While President Biden’s condemnation of the murder of eight people in Georgia, including six Asian-American women, is welcome, it misses the mark. The White House has repeatedly failed to acknowledge that Washington’s over-the-top language about China is fueling an atmosphere of fear and anxiety, which boomerangs in the form of violence against Asian Americans.


Turning Away From the Middle East
By Steven Simon, Senior Research Analyst
New York Review of Books, 3/16/21

The Biden administration will seek to rejoin the nuclear deal with Iran, but its main focus will be on domestic affairs and relations with China.


It’s Time to Cut Our Losses in Afghanistan
By Adam Weinstein, Research Fellow
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 3/17/21

The decision facing President Joe Biden in Afghanistan is complicated and difficult, but the stakes are clear.


Why It’s Wrong for the U.S. to Label China a Threat to the ‘World Order’
By Rachel Esplin Odell, Research Fellow
Responsible Statecraft, 3/20/21

A meeting hailed as a chance to “air divisive issues” and stabilize relations between the United States and China quickly devolved into finger-pointing and recriminations by officials on both sides, spelling trouble for a relationship increasingly defined by hostility and conflict.


GOP Lawmakers Move to Expose Foreign Money in U.S. Think Tanks
By Eli Clifton, Investigative Journalist-at-Large
Responsible Statecraft, 3/19/21

New legislation introduced by three Republican members of Congress would set a new bar for transparency in funding from think tanks receiving foreign funding. 



U.S. Backed a ‘Crumbling Narco State’ in Honduras by Research Assistant Matthew Petti, Responsible Statecraft, 3/19/21

Liberals Grow Impatient With Biden’s Foreign Policy Decisions by Michael Crowley/ Quoted: Distinguished Fellow Joe Cirincione, The New York Times, 3/18/21

How a Koch-Backed Navy Vet Teamed Up With the Antiwar Left to Urge Biden to Leave Afghanistan by Dan Spinelli/ Quoted: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Mother Jones, 3/18/21

Korean Americans Urge Biden to Officially End the 70-year Korean War by Min Chao Choy/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Jessica Lee, NK News, 3/18/21

Calling Putin a ‘Killer’ With ‘No Soul’ is Not Exactly Diplomatic Finesse by Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 3/18/21

Pyongyang Says It Will Ignore Washington Unless It Ends ‘Lunatic Theory’ by Edward White & Katrina Manson/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Jessica Lee, Financial Times, 3/17/21

Biden Faces Trump’s Deadline on Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal: ‘Any Way You Cut It, We Are Headed for a Messy Outcome by Deirdre Shesgreen/ Quoted: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein & President Andrew Bacevich, USA Today, 3/17/21

Vaccine Vote was Early Test for Biden’s New ‘Global Leadership’ and He Failed by Communications Associate Sam Fraser, Responsible Statecraft, 3/17/21

Will Senate Dems Join Lindsey Graham’s Effort to Blow up the Iran Nuclear Deal? by Managing Editor Ben Armbruster, Responsible Statecraft, 3/17/21

The ‘Quad’ is Shaping Up to Be an Anti-China Bloc. It Doesn’t Have to Be by Sarang Shidore, Responsible Statecraft, 3/17/21

More Moderate Than Thou: How the U.S. and Arab States Manipulate Religious Authority to Maintain Their Power by Research Fellow Annelle Sheline, Manara Magazine, 3/16/21

PODCAST: How Will the World’s Other Powers Push Back Against China?  Interviewed: Sarang Shidore, The Lars Larson Show, 3/16/21

Bleak Signs for U.S.-China Restraint in Biden’s Washington by East Asia Director Michael Swaine, Responsible Statecraft, 3/15/21


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