For too long, Republicans have abused the filibuster to block progress and stall bills that would help struggling Americans. It’s time to abolish the filibuster once and for all. If you agree, will you sign your name next to mine?



Right now, state legislators in Georgia are working to end Sunday early voting. This legislation is a clear attempt to steal future elections by silencing Black voters, who are less likely to have time off to vote during the week.

We have an opportunity to stop this legislation, and other voter suppression efforts like it. We can pass the For the People Act, which will set a national standard for voting rights and prevent states from enacting racist voter suppression laws like the one advancing in Georgia.

But there’s one thing standing in our way — the filibuster.

For too long, Senate Republicans have used the filibuster to block progress and delay bills that would help Americans of color. It’s time to abolish the filibuster and put an end to these racist, deceitful tactics once and for all. Sign on to join me in calling for an end to the filibuster:


Right now, Senators don’t even have to physically hold the floor to extend debate. They can simply object to any legislation they oppose and prevent a vote from taking place.

This is, to put it simply, an abuse of power. As Senators, our job is to vote on legislation that would benefit the American people — not waste time playing partisan games.

Look, we worked too hard to flip the Senate not to make the most of our majority. But unless we abolish the filibuster, Republicans will continue to abuse it and block progress on voting rights, racial justice, environmental protections, immigration reform, and everything else.

It’s time to end the filibuster for good and start doing our jobs for the American people. Will you sign my petition to help us put an end to this racist and abused tactic?


This can’t wait. We need to end the filibuster and begin passing legislation to move our country forward — now. That’s what the people voted us in to do.

— Martin



Paid for by Martin Heinrich for Senate

Senator Martin Heinrich is committed to helping New Mexico become a leader in defense, tech, and energy with opportunities in every corner. If you would like to stay in touch but receive fewer emails from us, click here. If you would like to unsubscribe from emails altogether, click here.

Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
United States