This week, people across England and Wales pushed back on the new policing bill.



This week, people across England and Wales pushed back on the new policing bill. As something that would give police officers more power to restrict demonstrations, it is an unprecedented attack on civil liberties. In just a few weeks, we can elect Greens everywhere and we need them in every council to make sure that our freedoms are protected. This Monday, we came together to hear from activists across the party that knows what it's like being on the streets demonstrating for change. Watch the replay and find out how a Green in the room changes everything 🔽


Hear from elected Greens in Northern Ireland and Scotland! 24 March 6:30 PM GMT Green Peer Natalie Bennett is hosting a conversation with Celtic Greens about how they got elected, what they are achieving and what their prospects and exciting opportunities are for May 2021's devolved parliamentary election. Join us!


Jenny Jones appeared on Good Morning Britain criticising police for their heavy handed approach during the London vigil in honour of Sarah Everard

The Green Party presented decisive and unequivocal opposition to the Policing Bill which would infringe the right to peaceful protest, including this intervention in Parliament from Caroline Lucas

Green councillors in Bristol have called for urgent action to address dangerously high air pollution levels in the city



We need to live in a system that is equitable and just. In our Green Living Room, you will find a collection of ideas and creations from makers demonstrating that better is possible, because it is already happening. A portion of the proceeds from sales made are donated to the Green Party.


Green Film Fest - get your tickets! In the coming months, we'll be screening a range of films showcasing lived Green policies. We're kicking off with 'The Cost of Living' Tuesday, 30 March, 5 PM GMT. This followed by a Q&A with its directors, alongside British philosopher and author, Professor A.C Grayling CBE, and our Green Party Peer, Jenny Jones from 6 PM - 7 PM. The film explores the current socio-economic state of Britain and considers how the idea of a basic income could minimise poverty and the sociological toll of a growing precarious class. It focuses on the feasibility of a basic income, John Rawls’ theory of justice, automation and ultimately asks should there still be a cost attributed to survival? Reserve your spot!
