Wow, what a week.



Yet again, you've helped usher in major legislative progress — this time on banning assault weapons. Days ago, Rep. David N. Cicilline (RI-01) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) introduced the Assault Weapons Ban of 2021, an updated bill to ban military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.

Now, we need your help to build bipartisan support for this life-saving legislation. Will you contact your representatives now?


We have no time to waste. Increasingly, assault weapons are the weapon of choice for mass shooters in America. Mass shooters know these weapons of war are uniquely lethal, allowing for the most murders in the shortest amount of time. 

And John, we know we can pass a nationwide ban on assault weapons because we've done it before. In 1994, we worked alongside Sen. Joe Biden to ban these deadly weapons. But because of political pressure and hefty campaign contributions from the NRA, Congress let the federal assault weapon ban expire in 2004. After the ban expired, mass shooting deaths increased by 347%.

Enough is enough. With gun safety majorities in the House, Senate, and White House, now is our time to ban these weapons — once and for all! Will you join Brady and urge your representatives to support the Assault Weapons Ban of 2021?


We've made major progress in the 117th Congress already. Let's keep the momentum alive and build bipartisan support for legislation to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines!

We're Continuing to Demand Justice for J.R. Gustafson

Today marks five years since 13-year-old J.R. Gustafson was unintentionally shot and killed by another young boy. The gun that was used to kill J.R. lacked a critical safety feature that could have prevented his death — which is, tragically, an all too common occurrence in America.

Brady Legal assisted J.R.'s family in bringing a case against the gunmaker and dealer. We're demanding they be held accountable for failing to include multiple safety features that would prevent children from misusing firearms.

Five years later, our fight for justice and accountability have been stalled. Why? A special gun industry immunity law enjoyed by no other industry in the world. If we win, countless gun violence victims will have an easier path towards justice against gun dealers and makers. 


What's the Filibuster? And What Does it Have to Do with Gun Violence?

Here's the unfortunate reality: If the Senate were to take up legislation to prevent gun violence tomorrow — even legislation that more than 90% of Americans support — its fate could be sealed before a single vote is cast.

Why? Because even though 51 Senators make up a majority, the current rules require that 60 Senators agree to even vote on a bill.

This arcane rule is known as the “procedural filibuster” and it has been used to block critical progress throughout American history, including life-saving gun violence prevention policies. We've had enough — in order to save lives from gun violence, we need to end the filibuster now.


RSVP Now: "Data-Driven Reforms for Public Health"

On Tuesday, March 23, at 12 p.m. ET, join Brady and experts from the medical community to discuss the role that gun violence research plays to inform a public health approach to gun violence. Moderated Dr. Joe Sakran, the director of Emergency General Surgery at Johns Hopkins, and co-hosted with This is Our Lane, panelists include:


ICYMI: Brady President Kris Brown Speaks at the American Medical Students Association

Gun violence is a public health crisis in America. And whether it's through research, advocacy, or operation, the medical community plays a critical role in it. Brady President Kris Brown delivered a keynote address at the American Medical Students Association, discussing exactly how students and graduates can help advocate for gun safety through safe gun storage and legislation to prevent gun violence on the state and federal level. Watch the keynote address now!

Our Podcast is a Semi-Finalist for a 2021 Shorty Award!

Exciting news: Our podcast, “Red, Blue, and Brady,” is a finalist for the prestigious Shorty Awards for the second year in a row! We're also in the running for an Audience Honor Award, which is a special honor determined by public votes. Will you take a moment to vote for us?


Atlanta Spa Shootings Spark New Push for Gun Controls, The Guardian

Proposal Seeks to Close ‘Ghost Gun’ Loophole, Criminalize Guns on Private Property, Nevada Current

Was The Shooting In Atlanta Racism Or Just A Wacko Pervert?, KTSA

Bill allowing businesses to prohibit firearms on property, banning ‘ghost’ guns sparks passionate testimony, The Nevada Independent

Letter to the Editor: Lawmakers Should Vote Yes on AB 311 to Ban ‘Ghost Gun’ Sales at Shows, San Jose Inside 

"Guns and Hate Don't Mix:" Following Shooting Spree in Georgia, Brady Calls for Action to Prevent Gun Violence, Brady

Republicans Push to Make Texas a 'Second Amendment Sanctuary State,' Dallas Observer

This week, the U.S. House passed legislation to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). This crucial legislation has been expired for two years now, in part because of lobbying by the NRA against its new measure to close the deadly "boyfriend loophole." The reauthorized bill also provides new protections for LGBTQ people and Native American, immigrant, and transgender women. 

Please join us in thanking Rep. Sheila Jackson, Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, and Rep. Jerry Nadler for introducing and stewarding this life-saving legislation through a bipartisan passage!

Alongside @bradybuzz, I thank @JacksonLeeTX18, @RepBrianFitz, and @RepJerryNadler for introducing and stewarding the bipartisan House passage of the Violence Against Women Act. By closing the boyfriend loophole, this legislation will save countless lives. #VAWA #VAWA21


“Hate exists everywhere in the world and America’s unfettered access to weapons makes that hate lethal. It is tragic that it took the highly public murder of eight people to prompt that conversation, again.

The attack in Atlanta is a horrifying display of how racism, misogyny, and white supremacy, when combined with firearms, are lethal. Whether it’s waiting periods for firearms purchases, expanded and strengthened background checks, or resources for mental health and community violence intervention, it is clear that this attack has catalyzed the discussion around what measures we need to take to stop gun violence.”

Brady President Kris Brown in The Guardian


John, our work is made possible by grassroots donors like you. Thank you for being a Brady supporter and joining us in the fight to prevent gun violence.




We rely on the generosity of donors like you to fund our work to prevent gun violence and create a safer America. 
Thank you for supporting the Brady Campaign. The Brady Campaign is a 501c(4) and donations to the Brady Campaign are not eligible for a tax deduction.


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