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Weekend Edition, March 20-21, 2021

Why Transgenderism Is Immoral

Vasko Kohlmayer

Power and Withdrawal of Rights by Proxy Equals Terrorism

Gary D. Barnett

Freedom Isn’t Free, Freedom Isn’t Cheap, Freedom Isn’t Easy. It Comes at Great Sacrifice, But So Few Want To Hear That

Allan Stevo

Those Silly Russians

L. Reichard White

What I Saw in a ‘Pro-Science’ State

Tom Woods

Hollywood Movies Featuring ‘Deadly Viruses’ on the Loose

Jon Rappoport

For Leviathan, It’s So Cold in Alaska

Pepe Escobar

Do We Not Have Enough Enemies?

Patrick J. Buchanan

One Answer to an Important Social / Political / Economic Question of Our Time

Bionic Mosquito

‘Independent’ Report Claiming Uyghur Genocide Brought to You by Sham University, Neocon Ideologues Lobbying To ‘Punish’ China

Ajit Singh

President Magufuli Dead at 61

A corporate coup has removed Tanzania’s ‘Covid denying president,’and nobody should be surprised.

WHO Insider Blows Whistle on Gates and GAVI

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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