Dear Friend of Maryland Coalition of Families,

MCF is a community dedicated to anti-racism and justice, and we firmly condemn hate and violence of all forms. We are deeply concerned about the recent murders and other acts of violence against members of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. 

We stand with the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community in Maryland and across the country in outrage and grieve these losses.  We recognize the immense emotional toll and trauma these continued events of anti-Asian violence have on members of our community, especially when experienced in addition to the global pandemic and ongoing systemic racism.

We call on our elected officials to set an example of tolerance, inclusion and kindness in their language and deeds, and to use the power they hold to create bridges, not divides, between people. Yet, that is not enough. Each of us needs to do whatever we can to stop fueling acts of hatred through our own speech and behaviors and by setting positive examples for the young people in our lives.

Below you will find organizations devoted to covering these developing situations and who offer ways to support the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.

Our hearts are with the grieving families of those lost to these racist acts of violence and to all those who are outraged, frustrated, and saddened by the ongoing hatred. May we all strive to be better and to do better, and may we find ways to work together to create safe and welcoming environments for all.

In partnership and solidarity,

Maryland Coalition of Families

Resources for Support:

Stop AAPI Hate is a national coalition aimed at addressing anti-Asian discrimination amid the pandemic.

Asian Mental Health Collective works to remove the stigma of mental health in the Asian community and works to provide healthcare and support to this community.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice advocates to advance civil and human rights for Asian Americans and to promote a fair and equitable society for all.

Hate is a virus: addresses xenophobia and hate against AAPI communities.

Act to Change
is a national non-profit organization working to address bullying, including in the AAPI community. See their The Racism is a Virus Toolkit to help combat racism.

Maryland Coalition of Families (MCF) helps families who care for someone with behavioral health needs. Using personal experience as parents, caregivers and other loved ones, our staff provide one-to-one peer support and navigation services to parents and caregivers of young people with mental health issues and to any loved one who cares for someone with a substance use or gambling issue.

For more information go to

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