
Right now, some election forecasters list Pennsylvania as the ONLY toss-up Senate race in the entire country.

It’s a perennial swing state that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris flipped by a very slim margin — and Republicans currently hold this seat.

But next year, the incumbent GOP Senator is retiring, giving Democrats an incredible opportunity to flip this seat and strengthen our Senate majority.

Rush a contribution to help Defend the Senate win in states like Pennsylvania. It may all come down to this open race.

Pennsylvania is going to play a critical role in next year’s battle to expand our Senate majority.

We have strong Democratic candidates in this race, but Republicans are lining up for their chance to win this seat and keep it in GOP hands.

It’s going to be costly, too. We can expect Mitch McConnell’s super PACs to flood the airwaves with tens of millions of dollars in nasty attacks against our Democrats.

That’s why it’s so important that we’re prepared right now. We’re asking:

Will you chip in $10 or more to help Defend the Senate get to work in states like Pennsylvania? Expanding our majority gives Democrats greater power to make meaningful progress for millions of people.

Thanks so much for being a part of this grassroots team. We know we can count on supporters like you.

Defend the Senate