Rise Up, Recover, and Rebuild is the theme for the 2021 CFT virtual convention

On March 26 and 27 CFT members will gather online from across the state to participate in the 2021 CFT virtual convention. The theme for this convention, Rise Up, Recover, and Rebuild, reflects our collective experience over the last two years facing four major crises: racism, threats to democracy, climate change, and the global pandemic.
While delegates to the Convention were determined by their local unions, all CFT members are welcome to watch our general sessions from 9:00–11:30 a.m. on Friday, March 26 and Saturday, March 27. Look for a link to the livestream in our email next week.
Since 2019, we have been called on to rise up to address the crises facing us with intention and purpose. Together, we are recovering from the challenges and struggles we have endured, and honoring the lives we have lost. We will rebuild a stronger education system, a more powerful and inclusive labor movement, and communities that ensure that every person has an opportunity to grow, learn, and thrive.
Coming together for a convention is an opportunity to celebrate who we are, and yes, we will be celebrating at our convention. We will acknowledge the victories and challenges shared over the last two years; and we will prioritize our future efforts to Rise Up, Recover, and Rebuild our schools, our profession, and our communities.
CFT leaders decry hate, stand in solidarity with Asian American and Pacific Islander communities
Yesterday CFT President Jeff Freitas and CFT Vice President Arlene Inouye released a statement in response to the ongoing violence and racism against Asian Americans, including the killings of eight people this week, six of whom were Asian women, in Northern Georgia.
Included in the statement, Jeff Freitas said: “As educators and classified professionals we have an obligation to use our voice to take a stand against the escalation of racist violence against our communities. We commit ourselves to fighting hate through education and to working with AAPI advocates in our state and local communities to address the crisis.”
Please take a moment to review APALA’s Resource Guide on Anti-Asian Violence, to learn more about actions you can take to address the escalating crisis.
State Board of Education to seek waiver from US Department of Ed on testing
Following weeks of pressure from educators and parents, on Tuesday the State Board of Education voted unanimously to seek a waiver from the U.S. Department of Education that would allow California school districts to use locally selected tests rather than the Smarter Balanced statewide assessments.
Thanks to the over 5,500 CFT members who signed the CFT petition urging the State Board of Education to seek the waiver. Our collective efforts helped convince the board to make this important decision, which if approved, will allow districts to focus on assessments that more appropriately address student learning and needs.
Take the online pledge to support the California Tax on Extreme Wealth
On Tuesday CFT proudly joined legislative leaders from throughout California to introduce the California Tax on Extreme Wealth. Sponsored by CFT, the legislation would implement a 1% tax on wealth in excess of $50 million per household in our state, with an additional 0.5% on wealth in excess of a billion dollars, to raise over $22 billion a year to fund our recovery and to rebuild our economy.
It asks those who have made so much to contribute a small percentage of their extreme wealth so that our families and our communities can recover from the pandemic and can rebuild their lives.
Please take a moment to sign the pledge in support of the California Tax on Extreme Wealth.