100-Days of A Feminist Agenda


Women have been fighting for decades so that men and women earn equal pay for comparable work. The gender wage gap puts a significant burden on hard-working women and their families who struggle with making ends meet between monthly bills, health care, childcare, and an economic system that already leaves them behind.

In just a year, we have seen economic disparities intensifying due to the COVID-19 pandemic: four times as many women are dropping out of the workforce as men; Black and Latina women disproportionately work in job sectors most significantly impacted by the pandemic; and domestic workers have been laid off en masse and health care workers have had to work in unsafe conditions.

Advocating for Equal pay is more crucial than ever.

Current conversations in Congress about increasing the minimum wage indicate that, women, specifically women workers, stand to make huge gains. And the reintroduction of the Paycheck Fairness Act and the Raise the Wage Act is a vital step in advancing racial and gender equity.

But we can do more to ensure we create a system that is just and equitable.

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Join us next Thursday, March 25th, at 5PM ET, as we continue our 100 Days of A Feminist Agenda listening session with: We Are Not Percentages of a Dollar: Solutions for Equal Pay Every Day.

During this conversation we will discuss taking actionable steps towards economic justice and why it’s essential to create change.

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