Here in Northwest Washington, winter is ending and spring is almost here. The rain clouds come and go, and we have these beautiful sunny days that surprise and delight. Green shoots are starting to come up, promising beautiful flowers in the months ahead.

To me, this is a great metaphor for where our country is today. We have made it through the darkest months of the pandemic and are emerging on the other side.

We have passed the American Rescue Plan. $1,400 relief checks are landing in the pockets of most Americans. Expanded unemployment benefits have been extended through the summer. Small businesses will soon see additional funds to support jobs.

Funds will soon start flowing to schools to ensure that kids can get back in school safely. Child care services are receiving financial support and families in poverty will soon get the critical help they need.

Vaccine distribution is breaking new records every few days, and the Biden administration is making sure we have plenty of vaccine supply.

Of course, we must all continue to do our part to end this pandemic — we are too close to let up now. Wear your mask, practice social distancing, and get the vaccine when it is your turn.

The dark clouds are receding. It is still raining now and then, but we can see the sun breaking through. Spring is on the way.


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