Dear Friend
I am going to ask you to do something big to help save clean energy development in Ohio.
Next week, the Ohio Senate Energy and Public Utilities Committee will hear testimony from opponents of Senate Bill 52.
This bill subjects renewable energy projects to a new layer of government regulation in addition to the existing state process not applied to any other power generation source. <[link removed]?>
Ohio Citizen Action strongly opposes this bill
This is not about local control. It is about imposing a moratorium on clean energy development in Ohio. It makes no sense for our economy, our workers, or our air quality.
At a time when private sector demand for renewables is at an all-time high, government intervention in the marketplace would choke supply, raise prices, and hurt Ohio’s business climate.
Members of the Ohio Senate need to hear from you!
Opponents can testify in person, but they are also accepting written testimony in lieu of witnesses coming to the Statehouse. To ensure your safety, we urge you to submit written testimony to the committee. There is no virtual testimony option available at this time.
Please submit remarks to be formally considered by members of the Senate committee
- Here are some talking points to help you prepare your written statement: [link removed]
- Once your remarks are finalized, you can send to: <>
- If you would like to watch the committee proceedings, tune into the Ohio Channel <[link removed]> on Tuesday, March 23.
Please email your testimony by 3p.m. Monday, March 22. Apologies for the short turnaround period, we were just informed of the hearing date this afternoon.
Thanks for taking a stand.
Rachael BelzExecutive Director, Ohio Citizen Action
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P.S. Please join me for a special Earth Day program, Local Solutions to Address Climate Change <[link removed]>on April 21. Carla Walker and I will discuss what can we do in our own back yard to make progress in the battle against climate change.
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Ohio Citizen Action - 1511 Brookpark Rd, Cleveland, OH 44109, United States
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