Texans Support Life & Religious Freedom at 2021 Faith and Family Day

We are extremely grateful for our supporters from across the state that made our 2021 Texas Faith & Family Day a huge success on Wednesday! The sold-out crowd gathered at Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Joe B. Hogsett auditorium was equipped on religious freedom, pro-life and family values issues, heard from pro-family legislators, and walked to the Texas Capitol to visit their legislator’s office. We are thankful for our event sponsors, including Concerned Women for America of Texas, Texas Homeschool Coalition, Texas Eagle Forum, Texas Pastor Council, and Esther Council.

We also want to thank all of our great elected officials that were featured at the event, including Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Gov. Abbott’s Senior Advisor Steve Munisteri, Rep. Briscoe Cain, Rep. James Frank, Sen. Paul Bettencourt, Rep. Shelby Slawson, Rep. Matt Krause, Sen. Bryan Hughes, Sen. Donna Campbell, Rep. Sanford, Rep. Noble, Rep. Steve Toth, and Sen. Drew Springer. We were also excited to livestream the event and have thousands more join us online.



Religious Freedom & Pro-Life Bills Pass Texas Senate Committee

The Texas Senate made significant progress this week on protecting religious liberty and the unborn! Your voice made a difference with the Senate State Affairs Committee as it considered, and ultimately passed, the Freedom to Worship Act (SB 26) by Sen. Angela Paxton and a similar constitutional amendment (SJR 27) by Sen. Kelly Hancock. Both of these bills will protect churches by prohibiting a government agency or official from limiting or having the effect of closing churches.

As for protecting the unborn, 7 pro-life bills, including SB 8, the Texas Heartbeat Bill by Sen. Bryan Hughes, SB 650 by Sen. Donna Campbell, SB 1173 by Senator Kelly Hancock (PreNDA), and SB 394 by Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr. were voted out of committee 7-2 on Tuesday. Other pro-life bills passed include SB 9, SB 802, and SB 1647. These bills provide protections for the unborn - SB 8 prohibits abortion at the detection of a heartbeat, SB 650 prohibits cities from using taxpayer dollars to indirectly fund abortion, SB 1173 prohibits discriminatory abortions, and SB 394 helps stop the dangerous practice of chemical abortions.



Texas Legislative Guides Available!

We are excited to announce that our 2021-2022 Texas Legislative Guides are hot off the press and ready to be put to use! The Texas Legislative Guide is one of our most effective tools in helping citizens become active and engaged. The 80-page booklet includes State and Federal elected official directories, district maps and committee memberships, and an overview of the legislative process. Visit our website right now to download a digital copy of the guide or to request your hardcopy.


Podcast: Pastor Forshee Joins Program

On the most recent edition of our podcast & weekly radio show the Texas Values Report, host Jonathan Saenz was joined by our good friend Pastor Danny Forshee of Great Hills Baptist Church in Austin. Jonathan and Pastor Forshee talked about religious freedom legislation for churches, including the Freedom to Worship Act (SB 26). The Texas Values Report podcast is available weekly on iTunes and other popular podcasting services – be sure to subscribe!



Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


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(512) 478-2220
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