September 30, 2019        

A Flawed History of Doom
by Doug French

Richard Vague's new book on financial crises repeats many old myths about economic booms, while failing to understand the role of malinvestment and central banks.

A "Bronze Age Mindset" Won't Save Us From Leviathan

“It’s been evident for a while that conventional conservatism no longer holds much purchase with large swaths of the under 40, and especially under 30, crowd. Tax cuts, deregulation, trade giveaways, Russophobia, democracy wars, and open borders are not getting the kids riled up.”

As a proportion of global carbon emissions, China is closing in on 30 percent of the global total, while the US has now dropped below fifteen percent.

I offer my own definition of government: Government is that great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.


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