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Patching Up Partisanship with Broadband for All

President Biden and his team have been working overtime to find policy issues that unite Democrats and Republicans and encourage bipartisan policy making. A rare issue with nearly universal interest is broadband access, which impacts rural, tribal, and low-income communities across the U.S. PPI's Executive Director Lindsay Lewis writes in a new piece for The Hill on broadband infrastructure investment and how both parties can get behind it. 
→ "How to bridge the digital  divide without widening partisan divides," 
by Lindsay Lewis, The Hill

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New From The Experts 


> In Training

Biden campaigned on the promise to Build Back Better, and now he has the opportunity to do just that. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs this year, though, and some of that loss appears permanent. Rebooting apprenticeship programs with modern updates is the path to creating more employment for people without college degrees, writes PPI's Veronica Goodman and Tressa Pankovits. → "To Build Back Better, Biden must invest in modern apprenticeship system," by Veronica Goodman and Tressa Pankovits, The Hill

> Tooth Be Told
Bad oral health and hygiene is a growing crisis in rural America. Preventative care is too costly and difficult to access, leading to expensive emergency room visits and serious health consequences. In a new piece, Health Policy Director Arielle Kane lays out the three ways Biden can improve rural dental care and improve quality of life. → "How President Biden Can Solve the Rural Oral Health Crisis," by Arielle Kane, Medium

> Go Big... or Get a Longer Recovery
Many have raised questions about the size of the American Rescue Plan Act –– did the American economy really need $1.9 trillion to recover from the coronavirus recession? PPI Chief Economist Michael Mandel says yes, and why in a new blog. → "Why a Big Recovery Package is Necessary," by Michael Mandel, Medium

> Generation Zoom
Screen time for American children has more than doubled since the start of the pandemic. Virtual learning and social isolation has driven these unparalleled numbers, raising concerns about potential health impacts for this generation of children. PPI's Kaitlin Edwards calls on lawmakers to provide guidance to parents and teachers to protect the next generation of minds. → "Virtual Learning and the Health Risks of Excessive Screen Time for Kids," by Kaitliin Edwards, Medium
The Mosaic Economic Project is a women-led project of PPI, seeking to uplift the voices of diverse women with expertise in economics, technology and business leadership. They are currently accepting applications for their March cohort, any interested women should submit their applications no later than March 19th. Find more information here.
🔥Hot Off the Press
> On the Pod
Congressman Brad Schneider joins the Neoliberal Podcast this week, sitting down with Jeremiah Johnson for an insightful conversation. They explore the potential for bipartisanship in Congress, GOP obsession with culture wars and how history will remember the Trump era.
> Trading Spaces
Katherine Tai was confirmed by the Senate this week as the U.S. Trade Representative. She's the first Asian American woman to serve in the role. PPI applauds the Tai and the Biden Administration on their confirmation.
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