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Coronavirus: National lockdown
Oldham, along with the rest of England, is in a national lockdown.
We are Oldham
Although the Government’s roadmap to cautiously ease lockdown restrictions is underway, and we're all looking forward to getting back to normal, it is really important that you continue to follow the guidance as we are still in a national lockdown.
There is no exception for anyone who has received a vaccination. Stay safe and stop the spread. We are Oldham and by working together we can get back to the things and people we love.
Further information on the latest guidance is available here:
Collect your testing kit from OCL
If someone in your household or support bubble attends primary, secondary school or college or is employed in one of these settings, you can collect a home test kit from Oldham Leisure Centre in Oldham.
* You have to be 18 or over to collect two packs of seven lateral flow device test kits from a test site.
* There is no need to book an appointment.
* Testing should be done twice a week.
* Schools will also be distributing testing kits for pupils.
Kits can be collected and advice can be given as well on how best to do the test. Other sites will start offering kit collection next week. Click here ([link removed]) for a list of rapid testing sites.
Please do not use this service if you have any symptoms of coronavirus.
We're not messing
A lot of people have bought dogs since Coronavirus restrictions were introduced last year to accompany them as they get their daily exercise. Unfortunately, this has meant an increase in the amount of dog dirt that we are seeing across the borough. Not only is it unsightly but it is also a health hazard.
The vast majority of owners are responsible and clean up after their pets but sadly a small minority don’t.
In response we will be looking to place new signs and posters in hotspot areas and on noticeboards reminding people to clear up or face a potential fine of up to £1,000. We will also be using various communications channels to highlight the issue. Action will be taken against offenders if evidence is found. Dog fouling can be reported via
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected]) .
Selective licensing for private landlords
Last year we launched a consultation to see if a selective licensing scheme for private landlords is needed in selected areas of the borough. A selective licensing scheme aims to improve the management of privately rented properties – ensuring they have a positive impact on an area.
In order to get the views from as many people as possible, we are welcoming your input. If you are a resident, landlord or business owner and would like to take part in the survey click here ([link removed]) .
The results and final recommendations will then be reported back to the council for a decision. The consultation runs until 18 April.
New play area for all the family to enjoy
We've opened a new £150,000 play area at Royton Park. New play equipment and improvements to paths and access points have breathed new life into the green space. The finishes touches are currently being made so the facilities will be ready in time for the Easter holidays.
Funding for the park has come via funding from Section 106 agreements – money paid to the council by developers due to the impact of the building on the local area – when a number of housing developments were built in the area. Royton North and South councillors also provided £10,000 of funding.
There have also been 70 new trees planted as part of the refurbishment.
National Day of Reflection
On Tuesday 23 March we will be marking the one-year anniversary of the first national lockdown with a minute of virtual silence at 12noon to remember those who have sadly lost their lives during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Whilst we are unable to participate in this moment of reflection together in person, that doesn’t take away the meaning from this gesture as our thoughts go out to everyone who misses their loved ones. In the evening we will also be lighting our Civic Centre tower in yellow as another small gesture to those who are sadly no longer with us.
If you are suffering from grief or recent loss, please know that support is always available to you should you ever need it. Please visit for more information. Take care and stay safe.
Have you missed your first vaccine appointment?
If you have been offered an appointment for the first Coronavirus vaccine but had to cancel or were unable able to make the slot offered, don’t worry, there’s still time to get your jab.
To book an appointment please visit the NHS Website ([link removed]) , get in touch with your GP surgery or call 119.
For more information on the myths around the vaccine, please visit the NHS website here. ([link removed])
What are your kids most looking forward to?
We are asking our young people to come up with some colourful drawings, artwork and ideas using the theme of ‘What are you most looking forward to doing?’ once lockdown restrictions finally end. It could be anything from meeting friends for a kickabout, going seeing grandma or watching Latics at Boundary Park
This is part of a wider campaign involving the community which aims to show Oldham is getting ready for restrictions ending but we still all have to do our bit to keep Coronavirus infections down.
Once the young artists have finished their creations it would be great if they then put the designs in the window and shared them with us via our social media: Twitter @OldhamCouncil ([link removed]) and/or Facebook @loveoldham ([link removed]) making sure to use the hashtag #WeAreOldham.
A new Oldham Blood Service is being set up
A new Oldham Blood Service is being set up and we want to hear from you to help shape the service. The Oldham Blood Service will include:
* Phlebotomy – taking bloods for testing
* Latent Tuberculosis (TB) Infection – test patients at increased risk of developing TB
* Anticoagulation – taking medicines that help prevent blood clots and help prevent strokes and heart attacks, and having blood tests
If you would like to take part in shaping this new service for Oldham, you can join our online engagement event via Zoom on Tuesday 23 March at 2pm. To book your place please visit this link ([link removed]) to eventbrite, email
[email protected] (mailto:
[email protected]) or call 0161 770 8096.
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Oldham Council . Civic Centre . West Street . Oldham, OL1 1UT . United Kingdom