Biggs For Congress

Our country is under attack. 

Every day more and more illegal aliens are crossing our border, putting American safety and sovereignty at risk. Drug cartels are increasing in number and ferocity. Drugs are flooding our country and crime with them. 

It's only getting started...

The Biden Administration has turned a blind eye. Biden and his puppet Secretary Mayorkas refuse to tell the American people the truth 𑁋 that there is, in fact, a national security crisis at the border.  
Instead of addressing the problem and ensuring domestic tranquility as our Constitution demands, the Left 

  • Built more migration facilities to maintain the flow across our borders
  • Blocked enforcement of immigration laws 
  • Demanded that existing border fence be torn down
  • Argued for the elimination of ICE
The radical Democrat Socialists have no leadership and no plan to resolve this issue. It’s time we put up a fight for our security and save our country. 

In Congress, I have sponsored several bills, including the Fund and Complete the Border Wall Act, have sent multiple letters to Socialist puppet Mayorkas, and I plan to continue to fight for a more secure America.
If you stand with me and my fight to protect our border chip in $5, $10, or $25 right now. 
In Liberty,
Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ-5)


Paid for by Biggs For Congress