Folks — I am not a typical politician. I was a laid-off geologist who mustered every scrap of savings in my bank account to gamble on opening my own business, a brewpub in downtown Denver (our flagship brew was the Light Rail Ale).

I didn’t run for office for money or power, I ran because I realized that our government didn’t work for everyday folks like me. So when people say the system is broken, I know what they mean.

After four years of Donald Trump and his enablers attacking our democratic institutions, letting dark money run rampant in Washington, and making it harder for the American people to raise their voices, it’s time to begin the hard work of undoing that damage.

I believe that starts with passing the For the People Act — legislation to counter Citizens United, reform our campaign finance laws, and implement a national standard for fair voting processes, including automatic voter registration and same-day registration on Election Day.

Here in Colorado, this is just common sense. We believe it should be easier — not harder — for people to participate in our democracy. That’s why I signed statewide vote-by-mail into law when I was Governor, and it’s why our Senate campaign rejected every dime from corporate PACs.

I think it’s time to make Washington look a little more like Colorado. If you’re with me, sign your name to become a citizen co-sponsor of the For the People Act and demand the Senate take action to pass it immediately.


It’s time to make our democracy work for every American, and I promise you, I won’t stop until that’s done.

— John