Join us to support the historic labor battle against Amazon...

Dear John,


Join us on March 22, 2021 at 3pm ET/ 12pm PT live from Bessemer where Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II will join with the Alabama Poor People’s Campaign and Amazon workers to demand dignity, respect and a union for all workers.


The deadline is looming on a historic labor battle against corporate goliath Amazon in the warehouses of Bessemer, Alabama. This is the first viable attempt to form a union at the company in the United States, and nearly 6,000 warehouse workers must mail their ballots to the National Labor Relations Board by March 29 to certify the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU).


*The national broadcast will be ASL interpreted and open captioned*


Unlike most of us who continue to struggle during this pandemic, Jeff Bezos has seen his personal wealth skyrocket from $113 billion to $189 billion, and Amazon saw a 200% rise in its profits. While they prospered, 20,000 Amazon employees contracted COVID-19 by October of 2020. The company ended hazard pay while scheduling workers for 10+ hour shifts, monitoring their bathroom breaks and holding weekly employee meetings to discourage the union effort.


We know that strengthening the labor movement in the South is critical to any effort to transform this country, and that unions are essential for working people to build and demonstrate our power. This movement doesn’t end with the March 29 election. The spark from the Amazon union drive in Bessemer has already lit a fire in so many to bring dignity and respect to their workplaces. Let’s keep up the fight to defend and expand labor rights in the South and across the nation.


Forward together, not one step back!


Rev. Dr. William Barber, II & Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis


P.S. And join us online at 11am ET/ 8am PT for Sunday morning worship at the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia where Bishop Barber will deliver the guest sermon!
