Friend, today, thousands of Americans are calling their U.S. senators in support of the For the People Act -- a transformative piece of legislation for free and fair elections and a democracy where we all have a voice.
The For the People Act passed the U.S. House by a 220-210 vote on March 3. Now, it’s onto the Senate -- where it had the unanimous support of every member of the Senate Democratic Caucus in 2019. It
was just re-introduced on March 17th as S. 1, indicating it’s a top legislative priority in Congress, with Common Cause’s strong support.
Your voice is especially important right now -- can you please call your senators at 1-833-497-4273 -- then let us know how your call went here >>
You’ve already seen why we need to fight for free and fair elections.
Since the 2020 election, state legislatures have introduced more than 250 anti-voter bills particularly targeting Black and Brown voters.
Millions of dollars in political spending from big donors and wealthy special interests -- often spent anonymously -- is tilting the balance of our democracy towards special interests.
And, partisan and racial gerrymandering is still silencing voters --denying us a meaningful choice at the polls.
But here’s the good news -- we can fix these problems and build something better with the For The People Act, which would:
● guarantee every American’s freedom to vote...
● ensure that people, not Big Money, set the agenda...
● end partisan and racial gerrymandering...
● clean up our government...
● and make democracy work for everyone.
Your voice is critical to passing this vitally important legislation -- can you call your senators at 1-833-497-4273, then log your call to let us know how it went?
Thanks for all you do,
Aaron Scherb, Director of Legislative Affairs
and the team at Common Cause