News from Representative Allred

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March 19, 2021

Dear Friend,

It’s hard to believe it’s already almost spring. I hope you and your family are staying safe, healthy and connected during this time. If you are struggling, please visit my website for helpful resources on winter storm recovery and pandemic assistance.

I wanted to take a moment to send my heartfelt condolences to the families of the Atlanta shooting victims. I am deeply saddened by the rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans. Racism, bigotry, and hate towards the AAPI community is unacceptable.

With the American Rescue Plan that I helped to pass last week signed into law, is help on the way to North Texas. And with HR 1, the For the People Act, passed to help secure our democracy and protect voting rights, the House was able to work on some legislation to help advance civil rights for all. Keep reading for an update on our work in Washington on behalf of North Texans. 

Equal Rights Amendment 
This week, the House reaffirmed women’s equality by passing a bipartisan resolution to remove an arbitrary deadline that required states to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) by a certain date. Equality has no expiration date. In our country, men and women should enjoy the same rights, and I am proud to work towards ratifying this historic amendment that would finally enshrine that principle in our Constitution.


Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act 
Building on the ERA, the House also passed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, bipartisan legislation calling for the protection of all Americans from violence and abuse and expanded access to essential services and justice for victims of abuse. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 10 men experience severe abuse from a domestic partner. I am proud to have helped pass this lifesaving legislation that maintains the safety, resources, and protections critical to survivors and our communities, and I urge the Senate to reauthorize it quickly.

Bipartisan Background Checks Act
The House also took another step toward saving lives in passing the Bipartisan Background Checks Act -- commonsense, bipartisan legislation that would require universal background checks on all gun sales and transfers, with some reasonable exceptions. This legislation is critical to keeping guns out of the hands of those who may be a danger to themselves and others, while protecting the rights of lawful gun owners. The overwhelming majority of Texans support this commonsense solution, and I was happy to help pass this act to reduce senseless gun violence and make our communities safer.


It is an honor to represent the 32nd District of Texas, where I was born and raised. I will continue to work with Republicans and Democrats to pass legislation that expands opportunities and rights for all Americans. If you have questions, need assistance, or want to share your thoughts on the issues that matter most to you and your family, please contact my office any time at (972) 972- 7949.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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